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Vinnitsa numbering update

filed on: 01.06.2011 (1st Jun 2011)

Further to previous reports on the numbering of ex Zürich trams in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa (see July 2008, March 2009, August 2009 and November 2010), the following list represents the latest status of ex-Zürich cars there. Thanks to Martin Baumann and .

Vinnitsa nr./
Zürich nr.

229    1418
230    781
231    1419
232    782
233    1427
234    777
235    1425
236    783
237    1421
238    784
239    1428
240    779
241    1424
242    773
243    1422
244    778
245    1429
246    771
247    1426
248    780
249    1423
250    775
251    1417
252    776
253    1416
254    772
255    1601
256    791
257    1602
258    794
259    1603
260    1718
261    1604
262    788
263    1605
264    1715
265    1614

266    792
267    1620
268    786
269    1612
270    797
271    1622
272    1717
273    1639
274    795
275    1615
276    789
277    1619
278    798
279    1683
280    796
281    1687
282    787
283    1689
284    793
285    1606
286    1609
287    1611
288    1613
289    1616
290    1618
291    1636
292    1624
293    1628
294    1630
295    1631
296    1632
297    1633
298    1636
299    1608
300    1610
301    1625
302    1627
303    1634
304    1635
305    1637

306    1638
307    1652
308    1653
309    1658
310    1662
311    1669
312    1678
313    1682
314    1684
315    1629
316    1640
317    1642
318    1646
319    1647
320    1648
321    1649
322    1650
323    1651
324    1655
325    1657
326    1660
327    1663
328    1665
329    1666
330    1671
331    1672
332    1680

Nrs. 229-254 are Karpfen units, with odd numbers allocated to motor units (VBZ series Be4/4 1416-1430) and even numbers allocated to trailers (ex-VBZ series B4 771-786): 13 pairs in total.

Nrs. 255-283 (odd numbers) and 285-332 (all numbers) are Mirage units (ex-VBZ series Be4/6 1601-1690): 63 cars.

Nrs. 256-284 (even numbers) are FFA trailers (ex-VBZ series B4 787-798) with the exception of three Mirage Blinde Kühe (cabless Mirage units, ex-VBZ series Be4/6 1691-1726) and one further Karpfen trailer (B4 786): 15 cars in total of which 11 FFA B4 trailers.

Total: 104 cars

With respect to the November 2010 list, this list is updated through the addition of Mirages 315-332.

This news item is from the 2011 newslog.

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