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Zürich to get all-over advertising trams

filed on: 01.07.2011 (1st Jul 2011)

coca cola tram 2008 For some people they add colour and variety, for others they are a regrettable concession to economics taking precedence over aesthetics. Opinions on all-over advertising trams remain divided.

In Zürich, exceptional liveries of cultural interest are permitted for up to three theme trams at any one time (currently there is only one: Ingenieurtram, 3056). Only in 2008 for the duration of the Euro 2008 football championship was this rule softened and six advertising trams permitted. The city council has now decided to trial commercial all-over advertising on five trams for a three-year period. The first adverts should appear in early 2012.

source: 20 Minuten

This news item is from the 2011 newslog.

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