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Tram Affoltern by 2022?

filed on: 12.03.2012 (12th Mar 2012)

As this website has reported previously, the chances of the Affoltern tram line being built are growing. As recently as 2006, VBZ's Vision 2025 projected this link to a long-term horizon well beyond 2025. With the Rosengarten slipping to a more distant date due to disagreement over how the displaced car traffic should be handled, and the ambitious goal set by the voting into law of Städteinitiative last year, the Affoltern tram is gaining political momentum. Currently being considered is a Y-shaped line, connecting Affoltern to both Bucheggplatz and Oerlikon. To this end traffic surveys are to be conducted. If all goes to plan, the new tram lines could open in 2022. The Regensbergbrücke bridge by Bahnhof Oerlikon, which is currently being renewed as part of the track widening work there, is already designed for future tram use.

source: Tages Anzeiger

This news item is from the 2012 newslog.

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