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Original Polybahn car back in Zürich

filed on: 14.04.2009 (14th Apr 2009)

Polybahn transport The Polybahn funicular, linking Central to Polyterrasse has long been an irreplacable part of Zürich's transport scene. Opened in 1889 and originally powered by water tanks and gravity, the funicular was electrified in 1897. The original cars and much of the equipment survived until 1996 when, despite protests from heritage organisations, this unique system was dismantled and replaced by a modern funicular designed to superficially resemble the old. One of the two cars survived and was originally displayed outside the Giesserei restaurant in Oerlikon before being tranferred to CEVI Pfäffikon. Suffering from the elements and slow progress in restoration and finally being forced to relinquish its resting place, a last minute rescue saw the car return to Zürich on 6th February in the custody of Tram Museum Zürich. Its ultimate purpose remains unclear, but it is currently stored (well wrapped in sheets) outside Wartau depot.

source: Prellbock

The photo above was taken during the dismantlement of the funicular in 1996. Car number 2 (the survivor) is on a low loader in the foreground, while car 1 waits on the bridge. This and further views can be found on this website's Polybahn pages.

This news item is from the 2009 newslog.

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