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Specification of new tram generation

filed on: 18.02.2011 (18th Feb 2011)

Following the evaluation of recent tram trials, VBZ has defined its requirements for its next generation of trams more closely. 30 new trams will replace the first generation of Tram 2000 units (2001-45 and 2301-15). They must be 100 percent low floor and have a minimum capacity of 225 passengers (ideally 250) of which at least 90 seated (Standing capacity is based on the assumption of four passengers per square meter). The overall length may not exceed 43m (thus slightly shorter than a Sänfte + Pony pair). As a comparison, a tram 2000 coupled pair, which such a unit would replace, is 42.8m long and seats 100 passengers while nominally accepting 111 standees (if the second unit is cabless, 108 if it is not).

Further criteria include energy efficiency, air conditioning, and the tram's suitability for all routes.


This decision would seem to exclude the partially low-floor Stadler Tango tram as sold to Basel and Geneva, but would not exclude Stadler totally as that company does have a 100 percent low-floor tram (Variobahn) that it could adapt for Zürich.

This news item is from the 2011 newslog.

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