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Flexity for Zürich

filed on: 18.05.2016 (18th May 2016)

More information has been released on Bombardier's Flexity 2 trams for Zürich, including artist's impressions.

Bombardier flexity for Zurich
Bombardier flexity for Zurich
Bombardier flexity for Zurich
Bombardier flexity for Zurich datasheet

The trams are to be Be 6/8 and 43m long, so approximately the same as a Tram 2000 coupled pair. Capacity would be 90 seated and up to 186 standees. This is a further erosion of seating capaity with Cobra having 96 seats for a length of 36 m, and a tram 2000 pair seating 100).

The weight comes in at 57t (Cobra is 39.2t, criticised at the time for being too heavy, Tram 2000 pair at 53t - per axle the new tram has 7.1t versus 6.5t for the Cobra and 4.4t for Tram 2000). In the move from Tram 2000 to Cobra the weight increase can maybe be chalked up to such niceties as air conditioning, which was to some extent mitigated by using aluminium for the bodies rather that steel. The Flexity reverts to steel bodywork, partly explaining the weight increase. But the Tram 2000 is also steel. How heavy can the air conditioning equipment be?

The tram will be powered by 6 110kW IGBT-powered asynchronous motors. This makes it only marginally more powereful than the lighter Cobra at 625kW. The Tram 2000s came in at 278kW, 308kW and 314kW respectively for the different batches. Breaking this down to kW/t, this puts the Flexity at 11.6, Cobra at 15.9 and Tram 2000 at 10.5, 11.6 and 11.8 respectively. So a lot of questions here remaining to be answered.

This news item is from the 2016 newslog.

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