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Propeller power on Glattalbahn

filed on: 19.11.2010 (19th Nov 2010)

The third phase of Glattalbahn (due to open December 12th) is essentially complete and acceptance, testing and training runs are currently in progress. These have included a rescue operation from a simulated crash scene, performed by the Dübendorf fire brigade (the line runs through Dübendorf for some distance on its approach to Stettbach). Enthusiastic about the new line, the fire brigade decided to follow this up by running a tram of their own. Their Luftschildkröte (air turtle) is a home-built and rather quirky propeller-powered light vehicle that normally runs on road wheels and is demonstarted at special events, but was on Sunday 14th November able to change these for rail wheels and ran on the new line, starting at Giessen and traversing the viaduct via Glattpark to Wallisellen where it met up with the local fire brigade.

Luftschildkroete Glattalbahn
original article in ZO-online | screenshot

source: ZO-online

This news item is from the 2010 newslog.

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