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Winterthur update

filed on: 21.03.2011 (21st Mar 2011)

winterthur swisstrolley3 According to, the last of the 21 Hess Swisstrolley3s for Winterthur was delivered on Friday. 120 is already in service.

winterthur gtz trolleybus The active Mercedes/ABB GTZ fleet has now dwindled to two units: 147 and 149.

winterthur rosenberg trolleybus extension wires On 7th April a new shopping centre will open in Rosenberg. As this is some distance from the present Rosenberg stop, route 3 is being extended by a short loop on that date. The present Rosenberg stop will then become Schachtenstrasse. The new wires are still being strung.

winterthur approaching stadthaus I payed a short visit to Winterthur this evening and have uploaded some pictures.

This news item is from the 2011 newslog.

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