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Limmattalbahn vote this weekend

filed on: 21.09.2018 (21st Sep 2018)

In 2015, a cantonal referendum approved the construction of Limmattalbahn, the light rail project from Zürich Altstetten to Killwangen Spreitenbach. The first phase, from Altstetten to Scjhlieren, is already under construction and scheduled to open next year (as an extension of VBZ tram route 2).

However, all is not well with the project. Despite the link being approved by the canton as a whole, the local communities voted against it. Opponents have refused to give up and have in the meantime brought about a second referendum. This will be held this weekend. If accepted, the line will be completed as far as Schlieren but the further phases will not be built.

In other words, confusingly, it requires a no vote so that the line gets built in full.

Limmattalbahn abbruch nein

This news item is from the 2018 newslog.

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