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Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram

filed on: 25.05.2005 (25th May 2005)

Following the lead of Dresden and Zürich, Wien may soon be moving goods by tram. In contrast to these earlier examples, this service will not be focussed on a single product but must attract a broader range of cargoes. By running at night, it will be possible to load and unload on running lines, so avoiding the prohibitive costs of dedicated sidings. However, some legal aspects have to be resolved before this can be put into practice. For now, the newly completed prototype (presented on 17th May) is confined to moving supplies between tram depots.

For more information on this project, check the Gueterbim website.

source: CGTR Yahoo! newsgroup

See also 11.08.2004.

This news item is from the 2005 newslog.

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