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Geissbock returns to Zürich

filed on: 28.03.2019 (28th Mar 2019)

Geissbock tram After 37 years in the transport museum in Luzern, 32 is returning to Zürich. This 6-wheeled tram, built in 1939, is celebrating its 80th birthday this year. Together with its long scrapped sister car, 31, it was a protototype (at least as far as its bodywork was concerned) for what was to become the Swiss Standard Tram, and was an important milestone in the development of modern tram designs internationally.

The return of the tram to Zürich has long been an objective of the Tram Museum. The car is being delivered to Burgwies by lorry today and will be placed on display in the museum shortly.

This news item is from the 2019 newslog.

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