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ÖBB to take over many German night trains

filed on: 29.07.2016 (29th Jul 2016)

This newslog has previously reported oin the imminent threat to Germany's CNL (City Night Line) services, and also on the possibility that ÖBB (Austrian Railways) step in to save some of them. An article in Handelsblatt says the final announcement on this will follow in September, but at present it would seem that among the CNL trains to be taken over by ÖBB are those from Switzerland to Hamburg and Prague. There is no mention of Amsterdam, unfortunately.

Nevertheless, in times that a total abandnnment seems unavoidable in the medium term in many countries, it comes as good news to see fresh investment and confidence. I wish ÖBB the best of success with this venture.

This news item is from the 2016 newslog.

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