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No to Rosengarten tram

filed on: 29.11.2010 (29th Nov 2010)

This weekend's referendum saw the project for a tram on Rosengartenstrasse rejected. The initiative, which would have seen the project go ahead and supported this with 31 million Franks was rejected by 65.9%. The counter-proposal, which would have spent 10 million on bus lanes and preparing the tram, was equally rejected with 60.7%. Neither proposal explained what was to happen to the motor traffic that was being displaced from this important thoroughfare or addressed the fact that cantonal support was not going to be likely for the project in this form. It remains to be seen whether the city council presses ahead with a more acceptable version of the project, or whether it is to be quietly forgotten.

In the further news, 71.4% approved the creation of an interchange at the eastern end of Bahnhof Oerlikon.

This news item is from the 2010 newslog.

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