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Stadtbahn Glattal is coming!

filed on: 30.06.2004 (30th Jun 2004)

The official ground breaking ceremony for the Hallenstadion to Auzelg tram line will be on 14th September. Some preparatory site-work will begin in July. This will involve the strengthening and stabilising of marshy ground alongside Katzenbach. Work will involve removing the topsoil and creating an embankment. The earthworks will require time to settle before construction proper on this section begins in January. Besides the tram, an extension of Auzelgstrasse will also be carried.

The new line will be 2.8 km in length. Work on the Hallenstadion - Ambassador section will begin in September, and Ambassador - Auzelg in January for inauguration in 2006. The city of Zürich is responsible for the construction of the former section and the canton for the latter. This project is the first of three phases in the creation of Stadtbahn Glattal, a fast tram service in the Glattal area. Further phases will see extensions to the airport and Bhf. Stettbach for completion in 2008 and 2010 respectively (pending availablity of funds).

source: Die Vorstadt

This news item is from the 2004 newslog.

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