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Ex RBS loco goes to Wuppertal

filed on: 31.01.2022 (31st Jan 2022)

Ex-RBS steepleback Ge 4/4 111 has been acquired by the Bergische Museumsbahnen heritage tramway in Wuppertal. Sister locomotives of 111 once worked freight services on tram lines in the Wuppertal area. 111 itself was originally built for the Hagen to Breckerfeld tramway in the 1920s and was transferred to RBS following that line's closure in 1963. It is intended to restore the locomotive to its earlier condition and use it to recreate typical tramway freight operations.

source: drehscheibe online

111's sister locomotive, ex RBS 112, also survives on a heritage railway in Slowakia.

This news item is from the 2022 newslog.

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