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24.03.2024 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4059

13.12.2022 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4035

13.12.2022 :
More good news on night trains

08.12.2022 :
Limattalbahn opening

03.03.2022 :
Route 15 to return on 15th March

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24.09.2020 Railtour with Re 4/4 ii 11173

31.05.2019 Facebook find: Peckham cantilever truck

14.01.2014 Cargotram serves additional destination

22.11.2013 This newslog is 10 years old

14.08.2013 Cargotram marks 10th anniversary

28.08.2012 Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part three

01.11.2011 TramFret: Freight trams in Paris?

19.07.2011 Tram Zürich West: Testing begins

19.05.2011 Japanese cargo tram

05.04.2011 A last look at 93, and Peckham trucks galore

12.01.2011 Cargotram video

29.09.2010 More videos

08.01.2009 Amsterdam's cargo tram in trouble

12.12.2008 Cargo Tram and E-Tram in 2009

15.04.2008 Happy birthday Cargotram!

23.01.2008 News roundup

15.08.2007 Cargotram serves Burgwies

19.04.2007 Stadtbahn Glattal phase two construction update

13.04.2007 Amsterdam: cargo trams tested

18.02.2007 Cargotram will no longer serve Laubegg

15.02.2007 APS saves Standard Tram 1408

15.02.2007 Update on cargo trams in Amsterdam

27.11.2006 Amsterdam's cargotram comes a step closer

24.05.2006 Cargo trams in other cities update

13.02.2006 E-tram in service

30.11.2005 E-tram: Cargotram goes electronic

28.11.2005 Cargotram for Amsterdam?

20.09.2005 Cargo tram in Den Haag?

05.08.2005 Works tram event on 21st August

21.06.2005 Cargotram: Werdhölzli siding

25.05.2005 Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram

04.05.2005 Cargotram vehicles

25.02.2005 News roundup

13.12.2004 Cargotram services expand

11.08.2004 Cargotram concept speads to Vienna

16.04.2004 Cargo tram is a success!

08.04.2004 Trees and wires and old and new trams

02.04.2004 Swansong of the Standard Tram?

12.11.2003 Cargo-Tram wins award and is set for expansion

39 items found for <cargo> in newslog

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