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The latest news item was posted 188 days ago:

24.03.2024 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4059

13.12.2022 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4035

13.12.2022 :
More good news on night trains

08.12.2022 :
Limattalbahn opening

03.03.2022 :
Route 15 to return on 15th March

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search result (tram news) for <freiburg>

06.07.2016 In case anybody is in Freiburg ...

29.09.2014 Basel: Test running on Weil line to begin next week

18.03.2014 Photo update: Freiburg tram extends to Gundelfingen

22.11.2013 Photo update

09.11.2012 Video update

17.07.2012 YouTube update: SZU, Cracow, Montserrat, CNL...

09.09.2009 Website update

27.08.2008 Website update — Photos

20.06.2008 Freiburg article

04.03.2008 Basel – Weil approved

27.04.2006 Freiburg: Vauban line opening

10.04.2006 News roundup, slightly off-topic

05.04.2006 Basel and Bern: Combino repairs delayed

15.02.2006 Freiburg: new Combinos delivered

17.09.2004 : Siemens loans Combinos to Freiburg (*)

30.06.2004 Combino update

13.03.2004 Combino troubles

17 items found for <freiburg> in newslog

(*) some items in this list may not be clickable in this view. To see these, click here and scroll to the date.

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