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The latest news item was posted 189 days ago:

24.03.2024 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4059

13.12.2022 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4035

13.12.2022 :
More good news on night trains

08.12.2022 :
Limattalbahn opening

03.03.2022 :
Route 15 to return on 15th March

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search result (tram news) for <madagascar>

04.08.2020 Forchbahn in Madagascar

30.03.2020 Forchbahn still waiting in Madagascar

09.03.2020 RBS mandarinli leaves for Madagascar

27.01.2020 FLP and RBS Mandarinli for Madagascar?

16.01.2020 Mandarinli for Madagascar?

26.09.2016 Train Urbain du Tana update

18.06.2012 Madagascar: Swiss stock update

02.04.2011 Hope for Forchbahn in Madagascar?

06.02.2007 Train Urbain de Tana back on track?

09.03.2006 Antananarivo tram arrives in port

10.11.2005 Antananarivo tram in need of money

06.10.2005 Forchbahn in Madagascar – and other news

22.08.2005 Rolling stock roundup

02.08.2005 More Forchbahn units leave Switzerland

25.02.2005 News roundup

15.02.2005 News roundup

03.02.2005 Forchbahn in Valais?

21.01.2005 Forchbahn makes progress in Madagascar

13.01.2005 Two further Forchbahn cars leave Zürich

18.10.2004 Forchbahn BDe4/4 farewell

09.09.2004 Further Forchbahn cars leave Zürich

13.07.2004 Forchbahn to Antananarivo

01.07.2004 Forchbahn to Madagascar (and BVB)

13.05.2004 Forchbahn update

24 items found for <madagascar> in newslog

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