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The latest news item was posted 189 days ago:

24.03.2024 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4059

13.12.2022 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4035

13.12.2022 :
More good news on night trains

08.12.2022 :
Limattalbahn opening

03.03.2022 :
Route 15 to return on 15th March

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search result (tram news) for <standard tram>

19.06.2019 Pyongyang pictures

28.03.2019 Geissbock returns to Zürich

21.09.2016 Basel: Standard Tram update

18.08.2016 Basel: End nigh for standard trams

21.07.2016 Pedaler trams

12.04.2016 Pedaler 1517 joins Tram Museum collection

03.09.2015 Restaurant tram in danger

01.06.2015 Zürich trams in North Korea

26.11.2014 More preserved trams hiding away

05.11.2014 Swiss Standard Tram from Atlas

19.05.2014 BVB's Pedaler snowplough withdrawn

11.02.2014 Model trams: Navemo to produce Swiss Standard Tram

26.11.2013 Pedaler photo tour

14.08.2013 Kurbeli 1379 leaves Zürich

14.05.2013 Kurbeli 1379 returns to Zürich

28.02.2013 Basel: days of classic trams are numbered

31.12.2012 Basel (BLT): Trailer operation ends

21.11.2012 Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part four

28.08.2012 Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part three

01.06.2012 Swiss Standards in Tramway Review, part two

08.05.2012 Aktion Pro Sächsitram has new website

20.02.2012 Swiss Standard Tram article in Tramway Review

26.10.2011 Basel opts for Flexity

14.02.2011 Open day: vintage buses and a tram

15.01.2010 News roundup

22.09.2009 Swiss Standard trams in T&UT

19.01.2009 Pedaler tram moves to safety

22.10.2008 Autumn photo tours

03.01.2008 2007 news

30.10.2007 Rolling stock update

08.06.2007 Kurbeli 1408 leaves Zürich

16.03.2007 Photo tour with Kurbeli on 22nd April

15.02.2007 APS saves Standard Tram 1408

13.11.2006 Karpfen farewell tour

26.09.2006 News roundup (slightly belated)

12.01.2006 News and press roundup

04.05.2005 Cargotram vehicles

07.05.2004 Update on Bern trams in Basel

06.05.2004 Bern to help Basel?

02.04.2004 Swansong of the Standard Tram?

40 items found for <standard tram> in newslog

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