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24.03.2024 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4059

13.12.2022 :
Flexity deliveries reach 4035

13.12.2022 :
More good news on night trains

08.12.2022 :
Limattalbahn opening

03.03.2022 :
Route 15 to return on 15th March

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search result (tram news) for <vinnitsa>

18.02.2022 Ten ex-Zürich trams scrapped in Vinnitsa

28.08.2020 Mirage and Karpfen in Vinnitsa

07.09.2016 Old photos on Drehscheibe Online

04.03.2014 Pictures from Vinnitsa

08.06.2012 Vinnitsa status update

06.06.2012 Passenger trains on industrial tracks?

14.02.2012 Vinnitsa numbering update

31.01.2012 Watch the last 12 Mirage trams leave Zürich

24.11.2011 Mirage update

10.10.2011 Karpfen in Vinnitsa: The end

10.10.2011 Nine Mirage trams for Vinnitsa

20.09.2011 Mirages for tram museum

01.06.2011 Vinnitsa numbering update

14.02.2011 Mirages to leave Zürich

16.11.2010 Vinnitsa update

25.08.2010 Karpfen and Mirage in Vinnitsa

30.06.2010 More Mirages depart

15.06.2010 Vinnitsa tram website

03.06.2010 Mirage: The end is nigh

10.03.2010 More Mirages for Vinnitsa

03.03.2010 Vinnitsa

23.02.2010 Cobra and Mirage update

22.01.2010 Mirage: The End is Nigh

15.01.2010 News roundup

08.01.2010 2009 news

09.11.2009 Further Mirages on their way to Vinnitsa

21.10.2009 Four further Mirage leave Zürich

04.08.2009 Mirage update

03.08.2009 Vinnitsa numbering update

27.04.2009 Vinnitsa numbering update

09.03.2009 Vinnitsa update

30.01.2009 Zürich trams in Vinnitsa

20.01.2009 News roundup

30.09.2008 Stock disposals

17.09.2008 News update

18.08.2008 Mirage in Vinnitsa

28.07.2008 News roundup

01.07.2008 Vinnitsa Karpfen update

11.04.2008 Mirages leaving Zürich

02.04.2008 More trams leave for Vinnitsa

03.01.2008 2007 news

30.10.2007 Rolling stock update

30.05.2007 Karpfen enter service in Vinnitsa

20.03.2007 Karpfen in Vinnitsa

22.02.2007 Rolling stock roundup

15.02.2007 Karpfen update

09.02.2007 Karpfen trams leave Zürich

08.01.2007 2006 news

07.12.2006 News roundup

23.11.2006 From Zürich to Vinnitsa

13.11.2006 Karpfen farewell tour

20.09.2006 Zürich trams for Ukraine?

52 items found for <vinnitsa> in newslog

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