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Thumbs down for Tram Region Bern

filed on: 01.10.2014 (1st Oct 2014)

tram region bern cartoon Last Saturday, voters of the city of Bern as well as the adjoing communities of Köniz and Ostermundigen voted on the proposed Tram Region Bern, which would convert the present bus route 10 to tram. Although voters of Bern approved the project (61 percent yes), those of Köniz and Ostermundigen said no (61 and 53 percent repsectively) to the 500 million CHF project. That means, the project is called off.

Yet again, the political sqabbling between Bern and its suburbs has flared up. The saga has a precedent in Tram Bern West which was rejected in May 2004, went back to the drawing board and re-emerged as a cheaper, less invasive and more acceptable proposal that was approved in November 2006 (and opened in December 2010). Now if only the planners could learn to get things right the first time!.

On a happier note, at the same time and in the same Köniz, 64 percent approved the extension of route 9 from Wabern to Kleinwabern. This project must still be approved on cantonal and federal levels. Construction could begin in 2019.

tram region bern

source: Berner Zeitung

To put the proposed lines into their broader perspective, here is my own map of Bern (which unfortunately I haven't updated since the opening of Tram Bern West in 2011), but is still broadly correct (except that the Wankdorf extension of route 9 was opened in 2012). proaktiva bern tram map

This news item is from the 2014 newslog.

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