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250th Swisstrolley3

filed on: 02.03.2011 (2nd Mar 2011)

swisstrolley bucheggplatz zurich The trolleybus information and campaign site, trolleymotion, reports that Winterthur's 118 (delivered on 22nd February) is the 250th Swisstrolley3. The Swisstrolley story began 20 years ago with Hess' protototype Swisstrolley (which ran in Zürich as 50 and later became Biel's 80). In total, 58 Swisstrolley and Swisstrolley2 were built. The chasses were supplied by NAW (except the nine duobuses for Fribourg of 2003-4 which used MAN chasses). NAW ceased trading in 2002 and the 250 Swisstrolley3 built since 2004 use Hess' own chassis. The double articulated Lightram3 are included in the 250, but the derived hybrid buses are not. Still awaiting delivery are a total of 15 trolleybuses for Neuchâtel, Winterthur and Schaffhausen. Besides the various Swiss systems, Swisstrolley3s are to be found in Arnhem and Solingen. Hess hopes to win further trolleybus orders from Zürich and Lausanne and also further market the hybrid version.

source: Trolleymotion

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