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Trolleybuses on route 83 update

filed on: 04.04.2020 (4th Apr 2020)

Delivery of new trolleybuses is proceeding at pace, with 204 being reported in service.

There has been some doubt over the precise number of new vehicles being delivered, with earlier sources saying eight, and more recent ones saying nine, although some suggested that "prototype" 183 was somehow included in the final number. However, it appears this is not actually the case and that eight new trolleybuses are earmarked for route 83 (although presently being run-in on other routes) whereas a ninth has been added to the order to be able to run an additional vehicle on route 72, needed due to anticipated extended journey times on account of 30kph speed limits being applied in residential streets.


This news item is from the 2020 newslog.

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