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Trolleybus, Hönggerberg lines to be electrified by 2023?

filed on: 04.10.2018 (4th Oct 2018)

Today's 20 Minuten features an article on the chronic overloading of the bus routes serving the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Hönggerberg site. The site is served by bus routes 69 and 80, both of which have been considered trolleybus candidates for some time. Many of the lighting masts along the 69's route are designed to also carry trolleybus lines, and the hilly nature of the routes makes tham prime candidates.

That, unfortunately, is not the main thrust of the article. Rather, VBZ it sketches the awful conditions and says that VBZ will react by adding more buses, But as an aside, it does mention that there are plans to have both routes electrified by 2023, and that this will bring in double-articulated trolleybuses. Keep watching this space.

source: 20 Minuten: ETH-Studenten ärgern sich über vollgestopfte Busse

This news item is from the 2018 newslog.

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