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Trolleybus on route 69 by 2016?

filed on: 13.12.2013 (13th Dec 2013)

This newslog has already reported on the nocturnal testing of a double-articulated trolleybus on routes 69 and 80 (well, I didn't mention the 69). A report on this published in the NZZ newspaper on 29th November (and cited on, states that some adaptations to stops will be required, but nothing major. Gsteigstrasse in Hönng, says the article, is the steepest gradient on VBZ (I guess not counting funiculars). The article also says that electric operation of route 69 is slated for December 2016. There are however presently no plans to use double articulated buses on this route, although they would be used on the 80 for which no electrification date is offered.

This is the first I hear of any date for electrification. If it is correct, this is good news indeed. News items so far have emanated some optimism but with baited breath, largely due to lack of commitment from the canton.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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