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Zürich trolleybus update

filed on: 19.05.2014 (19th May 2014)

The two new Lightrams, 90 and 91, have been in service since April.

GTZ 106 at Bucheggplatz Also withdrawn in March and April were O405 GTZ numbers 115, 124, 137 and 140 (140 was one of the pair used in the farewell tour last year). However, 137 has since been reinstated. 124 and 140 are being dismantled for spares. This leaves seven active trolleybuses of this type in service: 106, 113, 122, 129, 131, 137 and 142, of which at least 106 and 122 have received inspections approving their continued deployment until March 2015.

On the topic of future development of the network, VBZ is planning to join the peak-only trolleybus route 71 (only created last December) to the peak-only bus route 95 from this December. As the 95 is not electrified, the new route would have to be diesel-operated throughout. This will probably spell the end of more of the GTZs (route 71 currently requires three units). As previously discussed, the proposed cutting back of route 31 from Schlieren to Bahnhof Altstetten (for construction of Limmattal light rail) will release Lightrams permitting route 31 to be extended at its other end by taking over route 34 to Witikon. But the future of the trolleybus system does not about to just be about consolidation. Despite proposed electrification of the (presently diesel operated) route 69 not being financed, planning of the work is to start in 2014. It is envisaged to operate double-articulated trolleybuses on this hilly route serving the Hönngerberg university campus. Electrification of the 80, which also serves this site, is equally still on the cards.

source: Trolleymotion furthermore reports that GTZ number 10, the mysterious survivor of the first batch, which has long languished in storage, has now been obtained by Retrobus, joining sister unit 102.

This news item is from the 2014 newslog.

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