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Electric bus future

filed on: 19.05.2014 (19th May 2014)

An article in looks at VBZ's future bus strategy. VBZ recognizes electric traction as the way forwards. With trams already being electric, focus will be on more electric power for the buses. This policy will be reflected in a mix of trolleybus, batter bus and hybrid bus operation.

A hybrid bus is presently already under evaluation and experiences gained with this vehicle will flow into the next bus acquisition, whose delivery should begin in December 2015.

Battery buses could appear on the Quartierbusse (the shorter bus routes with lighter traffic serving the neighborhoods).

Of interest for the trolleybus system is the objective to make more use of the on-board batteries fitted to the newer vehicles for travelling shorter distances without wires, for example to eliminate complex junctions and their customized and expensive overhead lines. Field trials will be conducted to evaluate the efficient de and rewiring of trolleybuses in such locations. The article also mentions the proposed electrification of the 69 and 80.

This news item is from the 2014 newslog.

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