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GTZ Trolleybus update

filed on: 22.04.2015 (22nd Apr 2015)

GTZ trolleybus 106 with tulips at Bucheggplatz Trollemotion reports that the active GTZ fleet is now down to three units (106, 122 and 142). Last year there were still seven. 113 and 129 were withdrawn in May and December 2014 respectively, with 137 and 131 following earlier this year (fleetlist here).

Trials of battery operation are in progress between Albisriederplatz and Hardplatz. If trials prove succesful, the compex junctions at Albisriederplatz and Bucheggplatz could be permanently replaced by battery operation. On the other hand, route 71 will be converted to diesel or hybrid bus at the end of the year on account of its extension and connection and mrging with diesel route 95.

Changes in the proposed routing of route 2 in Altstetten mean trolleybus 31 will continue serving this location and be turned at Hermetschloo. From December 2017, route 34 will be extended to Hauptbahnhof.

source: Trolleymotion

This news item is from the 2015 newslog.

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